BAC In The Press

Model D: Across Michigan, neighbors build nutrition literacy and food security — March, 2019

“There’s a supermarket a few miles down the road, but a gas station convenience store right around the corner. With just $5 for food and transportation, what’s the better choice? Moreover, where will the next meal come from?”…read more

The Mirror News: Brightmoor Neighborhood Sows Seeds of Sustainability — April, 2018

“On Fenkell Street on Detroit’s northwest side, in the open expanse of residential abandonment and corporate disinvestment, the Brightmoor Artisans Collective (BAC) protrudes from the landscape of gas station, car wash and liquor store like a vibrant bloom pushing its way through the cracked sidewalk, a salient reminder that life and beauty find a way.”…read more

Connecting People to Produce | MEDC — March, 2018

“Detroit’s Brightmoor neighborhood had a challenge. The area’s nearest grocery store was two miles away, and the community’s residents had limited access to transportation.”…read more

Mahindra and Detroit Partners in Urban Agriculture — January, 2017

“This film chronicles the impact Mahindra NATC’s Urban Agriculture Grant Program has had on the city of Detroit and its broad community of urban farms and growers.”…read more

CityLab: The Fight to Feed Detroit — August, 2016

“The space will offer nutrition and cooking classes, as well as work stations to make value-added products such as pickles and jams.”…read more

Mahindra: The Light in Brightmoor — July, 2016

” In just over two years, Bradd helped manage and lead the collective to complete the Brightmoor Artisans Community Kitchen—a glowing new space open to the neighborhood public that promotes nutrition and hosts cooking classes so residents may prepare the fresh produce they harvest. In addition to these classes, the kitchen’s lot now serves as a farmer’s market and hub for neighborhood events and celebrations.”…read more

Detroit Gardeners Turning Crops into Cash in Brightmoor Artisans Community Kitchen — April, 2016

“But are they eating the vegetables?” asks Bradd. She says the new Community Kitchen is about taking the neighborhood’s self-sustainability one step further.  “We want to increase the economic capacity of our growers by allowing them to extend the life of their produce, and also by assisting them with distribution and outreach opportunities that can be harder to come by for individuals than for a larger organization.”…read more

Patronicity: Why a Brightmoor Community Kitchen? — January, 2016

“Brightmoor, a four-square mile neighborhood in the northwest part of Detroit is considered a food desert”…read more

Eater Detroit: Brightmoor Group Bringing Community Kitchen and Cafe to Northwest Detroit — December, 2015

“The BAC purchased the 4,800-square-foot building in 2014 with the goal of creating a commercial kitchen and non-profit café to provide nutrition education and fresh food from local urban farms to residents in the neighborhood.”…read more

Crains Detroit: Crowdfunding campaign aims to transform Brightmoor spot into healthy eating hub — December, 2015

“The creation of a Community Kitchen in Brightmoor will be an asset to the community allowing for increased entrepreneurship, education and community involvement,” MEDC Community Development Director Katharine Czarnecki said in the release…read more

The Collective on ModelD — November, 2015

“Brightmoor has seen some tough times, but things have been improving in the past half decade,” says Nicky Marcot, chairperson of Brightmoor Artisan’s Cooperative and Community Kitchen. “The kitchen might bring businesses back to the Fenkell corridor and help create a vibrant and stable commercial district. This could be a catalyst.”…read more

Community Kitchen Wins the Grandmont Rosedale SOUP — January, 2015

“The idea for this kitchen was inspired by the lack of easily accessible, affordable and healthy food for many Brightmoor residents, and the lack of business opportunities for those in the local artisan food business.”…read more

Indiegogo: Detroit community built around food security, sustainable agriculture and economic development. — October, 2014

“We are already envisioning incredible things like a green roof garden and a planter box patio. But, more than simply how to physically transform the building, we are setting out to create a genuine community space. We want to teach neighborhood youth cooking and nutritional classes in our kitchen, we want to hold our community meetings in the open front space, but most of all we want room and equipment to make delicious and organic products with locally grown ingredients”…read more